Dr Rao VBJ Chelikani Land has been the common heritage of humankind to be enjoyed by all along with other live organisms which have been enjoying this common property much before the human species. Before becoming sedentary, the tribes of human beings lived pastoral life. It means they wandered in search of green pastures as far as they could go and continued till they faced stronger resistance. It is also a historical fact that whichever group and whoever individual is adventurous and stronger has been occupying whatever they wan…
Dr Chelikani Rao VBJ Living in a democracy, we have to gradually democratise all the institutions in the society, including our political institutions, so that all of them in which we are involved will be able to function sincerely and exclusively for social development and human development; and not for any other motives. Though a product of Society, we find that historically the State which monopolises force and Power, has not always been entirely working for social development and human development. The reason for this is …
The Resident Welfare Associations, whether they are Apartment-building associations or Colony Welfare Associations or Gated Communities are rapidly multiplying themselves as an inevitable way of living for all urban citizens, since the urbanization continues to expand. The urban residents in RWAs are all educated, qualified and are professionally active or retired persons, who organize themselves into an RWA to manage their own affairs, by necessity. This is voluntary self-government by a micro-community of sharing and caring for each other in…
Dr.Rao VBJ Chelikani Life to-day appears to be totally linked to politics by political parties and the society is subjected to and affected by governments that are operating according to their political logic. This is not a healthy situation and it does not help to evolve the society and to its transformation towards harmonious and cooperative living together of all human beings. If it continues, we will not be able to build a society to live in Liberty, Equality, F…
Dr.Rao VBJ Chelikani This year's Independence Day on August 15 2022, without any doubt, was a day to celebrate the achievement of independence from the Britishers by extraordinary means i.e. by non-violent means and by mobilising together people of very diverse origins. While celebrating, we should not let this occasion be a ritual and symbolic, as symbols often replace the substance and make us forget the purpose. Every time, we should recollect and reflect upon the events, as history has never been a plain mirror reflecting…
Dr.Rao VBJ Chelikani l. Precedents: Between the First and Second World Wars, the League of Nations, albeit in an informal manner, consulted regularly with non-governmental organizations working in the economic and social fields. During those consultations, a leading role was played by the International institute for Intellectual Cooperation, a precursor of UNESCO. The foundational vision of the United Nations was subscribed and drafted mostly by the elite thinkers and scientists of the civil society like Eleanor Roosevelt, Rene Cas…
Noise pollution in Tarnaka has crossed the threshold limit increasing by an alarming 33.33% over previous levels, particularly in the nights. According to the TS Pollution Control Board, the night time permitted noise level is 45 dB. The recorded night time noise level in Tarnaka stands at 59.96 dB, the highest in the residential regions of the Twin Cities. Noise pollution levels have been steadily rising in Greater Hyderabad region in the period of 2019-2022, according to Telangana State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB). Tarnaka, which was …
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